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Postdoctoral Position in QCD theory

2023-10-26 12:20:00 来源:十大菠菜担保网-菠菜资源平台大全-信誉保证 点击: 收藏本文

Deadline on Jan 31, 2024

Job description:

The Institute of Quantum Matter at South China Normal University (SCNU) has up to two postdoctoral positions. The postdocs are expected to work closely with Prof. Hongxi Xing at SCNU. 
We provide internationally competitive salary for these postdoctoral fellows. 
The position is for a duration of two years, with a possible extension for a third year, and a high potential to be converted to a faculty member at SCNU for outstanding performance. The start date is provisionally Fall 2024, with flexibility to start earlier. Applicants are expected to have Ph.D. in theoretical nuclear or particle physics by the beginning of the postdoctoral appointment. The research interests of the group include but are not limited to hadron physics (QCD structure of the nucleon and spin physics), QCD collider physics (jet and jet substructure), QCD factorization and high order perturbative QCD calculations, as well as the application of quantum computing in high energy physics. 
Interested applicants should submit:
1. a curriculum vitae including a list of publications; 
2. at least two reference letters; 
3. a statement of research interest.
through https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/edelivery/3904. If you have any questions about the position, feel free to send a message to hxing@m.scnu.edu.cn. Review of applications will begin on December 15, 2023, and continue until the positions are filled.
For your information: SCNU is located in Guangzhou, China, which is a sprawling port city (120 km) northwest of Hong Kong on the Pearl River. For information about Institute of Quantum Matter, see .